- The Webbing - BLOCKY DOGS® collars are two layers thick, each layer having an average break strength of over 12,000 pounds in the 2" width, and over 8,500 in the 1.5" width. (If you are used to collars with 4, 5, or even 6 layers, and are unsure about how our collars compare, the BLOCKY DOGS® collars achieve the same thickness and strength with only two layers: Our collars are 1/4" thick. We start with stronger material so we require less layers to achieve a super heavy-duty collar).
- The Width - Both widths spread out the strain placed on the front of the neck caused by pulling; thereby putting less force on the trachea.
- The Hardware - Only stainless steel, nickel-plated steel and solid brass are used. All hardware is welded.
- The Buckle - Both widths of collars have stainless steel buckles, and the 2" collars have double prongs, spreading out the stress points and reducing the chances of a really heavy-duty dog snapping a buckle tongue under pressure.
D-Rings -- The main D-rings are very heavy, welded, Stainless steel and are custom manufactured for the BLOCKY DOGS® company (you will not find these D-rings in any other dog collars).
The Grommets - Industrial grommets in heat-sealed holes prevent stretching and fraying of the holes. (We do not use eyelets. And we haven't ever had a grommet come out of a collar).
The Stitching - BLOCKY DOGS® collars are double-stitched on all edges with rot, mold, mildew and heat resistant bonded nylon thread.
The Tiny ID Tag D-ring is designed to lay to the side of your dog’s neck instead of down in front on the chest where other tags fall. Why? Well, while we bully breed owners LOVE our cuddly bully breeds, think of the average-joe and the perception he/she has: dangerous, scary dog! I designed the i.d. tag d-ring to hang to the side of the dog’s neck with the thought that if your dog gets loose, ANYONE should be able to see the tags from a distance without having to approach your dog and fumble under their chin (mouth) to get a good look at their tags.
BLOCKY DOGS®was first to implement the use of rivets in nylon collars and the original creator of the buckle-closure-martingale-style: the BLOCKY DUAL Grip™ collar. Don't settle for an imitation.
BLOCKY DUAL Grip™ collar fit: When not in use, it is normal for the grip part of the collar to lay to one side of your dog’s neck. This slight tilt is accounted for when the embroidery is applied and when the collar lays to the side, it causes the embroidery to be right up on top.
The Embroidery: Each of the three designs of collars lay differently on a dog’s neck. The weight of the D-rings and buckle cause them to usually fall below your dog’s chin when the collar is not attached to a leash. The embroidery is applied with this in mind. On the D-above-Buckle™ style collars, the embroidery is applied so that when your dog is in a sit position on lead, a person looking at your dog can read the collar from the front. If you want the embroidery on top, just turn the collar around your dog’s neck.
Durability - BLOCKY DOGS® collars are fade-resistant, colorfast, and machine washable. Click on the images below for a larger view. The net result is an incredibly strong nylon collar with the varietal selection of 13 (thirteen) colors of nylon webbing in 3 styles, with an optional center stripe (23 choices). • Regular Flat Collar • Blocky DUAL Grip™ collar (a multi-functional martingale style collar with a central loop that is strong enough and wide enough to use as a handle to gain quick control) • D-above-Buckle™ style - If your dog works or participates in dog sports (Schutzhund, Ring, PP, etc.) or spends a lot of time banging the end of a tie-out, then the D-Above Buckle might suit your needs better.
BLOCKY DOGS® collars clean up well too. A little Oxiclean mixed with water sprayed on the underside as well as on the stripe left by the buckle roller; put it in a pilowcase; pop it in the washer on a cold-water cycle with your regular laundry; let it AIR DRY, and TA--DAH! Brand New!! The pictures below show Ino, in his BLOCKY DOGS® collar, after playing in the mud, and then all cleaned up.
